a fan edit of thisamericanlife.org
#753 - 12 November 2021
Getting the point across — or trying to, anyway.
#752 - 29 October 2021
A man who was imprisoned for 14 years in Guantanamo Bay, without charges, gets out and issues an invitation to all the people who kept him there. Amazingly, three of them agree to talk.
#751 - 22 October 2021
We bring the movies to you.
#750 - 15 October 2021
Getting from Point A to Point B—with expert assistance.
#749 - 1 October 2021
An hour devoted to embarrassing stories. They’re not always just little moments – funny, daily stuff that we laugh about later. Some can change you for the rest of your life.
#748 - 17 September 2021
What happens when one family goes all in on fighting climate change.
#747 - 10 September 2021
Who thought that would be good for a kid?
#746 - 3 September 2021
We made you a mixtape. Don't make a big deal out of it or anything.
#745 - 27 August 2021
People trying to escape all kinds of seemingly impossible situations.
#744 - 13 August 2021
The pandemic forced jobs to change, but then the workers changed, too.