a fan edit of thisamericanlife.org
#45 - 6 December 1996
Four stories about people struggling at the fringes of our nation's media/music/infotainment industry.
#44 - 29 November 1996
In the midst of the five biggest poultry-consumption weeks of the year—the five weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when Americans consume one-fourth of all the turkey they eat in a year—This American Life presents stories about turkeys, chickens, ducks, and fowl of all kinds.
#43 - 22 November 1996
Inspired by a spate of new Chicago stage adaptations of the Faust story, This American Life brings you stories of people who made a deal with the devil.
#42 - 15 November 1996
Three stories of people trying to forget the past and move on.
#41 - 8 November 1996
More stories of the election you can't hear anywhere else.
#40 - 1 November 1996
Stories from acclaimed storyteller Spalding Gray and others.
#39 - 25 October 1996
This week: A show for Halloween. Stories of things that are supposed to be scary, but aren't.
#38 - 11 October 1996
Simulated worlds, Civil war reenactments, wax museums, simulated coal mines, fake ethnic restaurants, an ersatz Medieval castle and other re-created worlds that thrive all across America. (4 minutes)
#37 - 27 September 1996
Radio producer Scott Carrier quit his job at a low moment in his life. His wife left him and took the kids. And he got a job interviewing schizophrenics for some medical researchers. After doing it a while, he began to wonder if he was a schizophrenic himself. And more stories.
#36 - 20 September 1996
Host Ira Glass and playwright David Hauptschein took out advertisements in Chicago inviting people to come to a small theater with letters they've received, sent or found.