a fan edit of thisamericanlife.org
#125 - 2 April 1999
Stories of the end of the world. More people believe it's more imminent than you probably realize.
#124 - 19 March 1999
Stories of people moving to this country: what they see and hear about America that those of us who were born here don't necessarily see.
#123 - 26 February 1999
Stories of people who choose not to live every moment to the fullest or smell the roses, and instead choose to withdraw from life, to make themselves numb.
#122 - 12 February 1999
For Valentine's Day, stories of impossible love and heartbreak.
#121 - 29 January 1999
One thing that makes our country different from most others is this idea that you can re-create yourself as someone you'd prefer to be...sell everything off, head out west, start a new life. But what happens if you're too good at it? At throwing everything out and starting over?
#120 - 22 January 1999
Three stories of people pretending to be something they're not, and what happens to them.
#119 - 8 January 1999
With the number of prisoners in the United States rising rapidly, we present stories of their lives and the lives of their families and children.
#118 - 18 December 1998
Stories about seeing and being seen. Taped before a live audience in Town Hall in New York City in December 1998, this was a co-production with WNYC New York, featuring live music by the pop band They Might Be Giants and the This American Life Orchestra.
#117 - 11 December 1998
The family table is stage on which many family dramas are played out. We hear three stories...of three families...at three meals.
#116 - 27 November 1998
For Thanksgiving, the time of year when poultry consumption is highest, it's our annual program about turkeys, chickens, and fowl of all types.