a fan edit of thisamericanlife.org
#100 - 24 April 1998
For the 100th episode of This American Life, a radio show about the pleasures of radio. About what makes radio so great ... and what makes it so terrible.
#99 - 10 April 1998
Variations on what it means to be a girl and what it means to be a woman.
#98 - 27 March 1998
Stories about what it means to be a person who throws the first punch ... and how hard it is to give up.
#97 - 20 March 1998
An assault on the idea of wackiness. And then, an appreciation of wackiness, and an analysis of wackiness in American culture. Thirteen ways to describe wackiness.
#96 - 13 March 1998
People who left their private lives and were seized by some huge historical moment.
#95 - 6 March 1998
How should we react to people who are in non-monogamous relationships? What should we think of these struggles with monogamy?
#94 - 27 February 1998
What happens during a "how-to," and what our how-to's say about us. Most how-to's promise that you'll not only learn skills, you'll be transformed.
#93 - 13 February 1998
Stories about couples that all take place decades after that moment their eyes first meet.
#92 - 6 February 1998
Stories about those moments when someone tries to tell you a little bit more about themselves than you'd really rather know.
#91 - 30 January 1998
Stories of people trying to escape the box of their own lives, and create new lives.