a fan edit of thisamericanlife.org
#85 - 5 December 1997
Humans have turned chicken and turkey into what we want them to be. Which means that chickens and turkeys are a mirror of ourselves.
#84 - 21 November 1997
A parable of politics and race in America. The story of Chicago's first black mayor, Harold Washington, told two decades after his death. Washington died on November 25, 1987.
#83 - 14 November 1997
Stories of outsiders who want to be insiders, and vice versa.
#82 - 31 October 1997
Stories of people who are haunted, not by ghosts or phantoms, but by other people.
#81 - 24 October 1997
Americans who love their guns...and the Americans who love them.
#80 - 17 October 1997
Stories of people engaged in a battle with nature — a battle they don't stand much chance of winning. Most of the show is Scott Carrier's story of trying for twelve years to chase down and catch an antelope by foot.
#79 - 10 October 1997
People stuck in the wrong decade — or simply carrying a lot of the props from another decade. NOTE: This episode originally included a story by reporter Stephen Glass (no relation to Ira), which we have removed because of questions about its truthfulness. This story is included in the transcript only for reference.
#78 - 3 October 1997
How bad is bad enough to count? To go to hell?
#77 - 26 September 1997
Can the secular world and the religious world understand each other?
#76 - 19 September 1997
The mob as portrayed in movies, and as it is in real life. And its hold over us.